"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14

These well-known words of Jesus give us a picture of God's love for children - it is inviting, welcoming, empowering, and safe! We see Jesus' open arms outstretched toward the young ones the disciples were trying to turn away; a posture of blessing and care. At Bethesda, we believe that "to be effective in ministry we face the challenge of cultivating healthy patterns and relationships, and addressing directly unhealthy ways of relating among us." Ensuring that our congregation is truly a sanctuary for our children is part of encouraging these healthy relational patterns. By working together toward safety for children in our church, we share a common intention for their well-being. May the process of protecting the children in the care of our congregation, be marked with the hopeful spirit of young people as we travel together on this journey toward growth in caring, trust, and wholeness. 


Child/Youth Trip & Permission Waiver Form


Prior to filling out the Volunteer Form, all volunteers are required to watch the training video below.

Volunteer for Children/Youth

Driving History/Record Release Form

SWAN LAKE CAMP FORMS (Use this form for Swan Lake Medical Permission & Travel only.)

Permission for Medical Treatment & Transportation